Understanding the Basics of Human Behavior

Understanding the Basics of Human Behavior

Are you up for understanding the basics of human behavior? You are on the right spot, business studies notes is all about such business related topics and notes online.

The policies & practices of human resource of an organization represent significant forces for shaping employee behavior & attitudes. Organizational effectiveness is affected by human resource policies & practices.

Human resource management contains workers selection, union-management relations, training performance management and how they affect organizational effectiveness.

Understanding the Basics of Human Behavior (Characteristics)

01 – Searching & examining the variables that have an influence on worker productivity, turnover, absence and satisfaction is mostly complex.

02 – Many of the concepts are difficult to assess like power, motivation, organizational culture or policies.

03 – Other components are more readily available and easily definable. It means information that can be acquired from the personnel file of the worker and would include features like

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Marital Status
  • Length of Service etc
  1. Age

The link between job performance and age is enhancing in importance.

  • First, there is widespread belief that with the increasing age, job performance decline.
  • Second, the workforce is aging which means that the quickest growing sector of the workforce is the workers over 55.

The perceptions of employer are mixed.

  • They view that a number of beneficial qualities that older employees take to their jobs, particularly judgment, experience, commitment to quality and a strong work ethic.
  • Older employees are also perceived as being resistant to new technology and as lacking flexibility.
  • Some believe that as an employee get older, he is less likely to quit his job. The study of age-turnover relationship provides basis for this conclusion.

Age is inversely associated to the absenteeism as it is tempted to be assumed.

  • Although most studies indicate an inverse relationship, but when it is analyzed closely than it is observed than age-absence relationship is partly a function of whether the absence is avertable or not avertable.
  • Usually, older workers have reduced rate of avertable absenteeism. Probably due to their poorer health linked with aging and longer recovery periods when injured, they have higher rate of not avertable absence.

There is widespread belief that person skills decay over time and productivity decline with age.

  • Job performance & age are unrelated as found by reviews of research.
  • For almost all kinds of jobs either professional or nonprofessional, this seems to be true.

The link between job satisfaction & age is mixed.

  • At least up to age 60, most researches indicate a positive link between satisfaction and age.
  • However, U-shaped relationship have found in other researches. Satisfaction tends to continually enhance among professional as they age, when professional & nonprofessional workers are separated. On the other hand during middle age, the satisfaction declines among nonprofessionals and then rises again in the later years.
  1. Gender

The job performance between woman & men will be affected by some important differences, containing the areas of

  • Analytical Skills
  • Motivation
  • Problem Solving
  • Sociability
  • Competitive Drive
  • Learning Ability

Men are more likely & aggressive than women to have expectations of success and women are more willing to conform to authority, but those differences are minor.

There is no proof showing that worker’s gender influences job satisfaction.

In terms of preference of work schedules, there is a difference between women & men.

  • In order to accommodate their family responsibilities, mothers of preschool children are more likely to prefer flexible work schedules, part time work and telecommuting.

Turnover rates & absence

  • The quit rates of women are same as of men’s.
  • Women have higher rates of absenteeism as consistently indicated by research on absence.
  1. Marital Status

  • The effect of marital status on job productivity is not concluded because of insufficient studies.
  • It is consistently indicated by research that married workers undergo fewer turnovers, have fewer absences and are more satisfied with their jobs than are their unmarried coworkers.
  • Besides single or married, more research requires to be perform on other statuses such as domestic partnering, divorce etc.
  1. Tenure

The problem of the influence of job seniority on job performance has been subject to speculations & misconceptions.

Extensive reviews of the seniority-productivity link have been performed.

  • There is positive link between tenure and job productivity.
  • There is negative link between absences to tenure.
  • In explaining turnover, tenure is also a potent variable.
  • Turnover has systematically been found to be negatively associated to turnover and has been proposed as one of the single best forecaster of the turnover.
  • The proof shows that satisfaction and tenure are positively associated.