Conflict in HRM | Conflict Good or Bad | Types of Conflict

Conflict in HRM | Conflict Good or Bad | Types of Conflict

The process in which particular party comprehend that its interests are negatively affected or opposed by another party is known as conflict.

Conflict is a process in which persons disagree over important problems, thereby making friction between parties. Conflict can exist when persons have opposing feeling, interests and perceptions.

When a stakeholder group pursues its interests at the expense of other stakeholders, organizational conflict happen. Organizational conflict is inevitable given the different goals of stakeholders.

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Conflict is linked with negative pictures such as unions getting violent and angry. But effectiveness can be improved by some conflict. Conflict hurts an organization when it passes a certain point.

Transitions in Conflict Thought

The process in which persons are not agree on certain problems and thus making clash between parties is refer to as conflict under traditional view.

One aspect of conflict is that it is harmful & dysfunctional to the organizations because effort over incompatible objectives is waste of time that forbids organizations and individuals from reaching their potential and being productive.

On the other hand according to interactionist view problem solving and creativity is enhanced when conflict is based on problems rather than personalities. Thorough consideration of alternatives and their results in the course of decision making is allowed through open discussions of differing viewpoints.

Motivation can also be enhanced by conflict along with energizing people to concentrate on a task. According to human relation view conflict is natural happening and it should be accepted.

Is Conflict Good or Bad

Conflict can have both negative and positive results. On the positive aspect conflict can take energy to the competition along with concentrating participants on the duty at hand.

Group cohesion can also be enhanced and open discussion on issues is also stimulated by it. On the other hand on negative aspect, the sight of common goals is lost by the participants along with concentration of winning at all costs.

In addition, a lack of cooperation and distorted judgment can be leaded by it. Finally, motivation is lost by losers in conflict and they feel demoralized which badly influence entire organizational performance and long term relationships.

How can Conflict Improve Effectiveness?

Because of the reason that conflict needs an organization to reassess its views, therefore it can overcome inertia and introduce change. The quality of decision making is improved by considering different views.

Types and Levels of Conflict

There are four kinds of conflict. When groups inside and outside of the organization are not agree on different problems, inter-group conflict happens. Interpersonal conflict is due to variations in values, objectives and styles between two or more individuals who are needed to interact.

Within a work group intra group conflict happen over work procedures and objectives. Intrapersonal conflict is the individual’s internal conflict divergent values, objectives and roles.

Inter group conflict can happen at two levels which are vertical and horizontal. Horizontal conflict happens between groups or departments at the same level of the organization. On the other hand vertical conflict happens between groups at various levels of organization.

Types of Conflict

  1. Task Conflict: Conflicts over objectives of work and content
  2. Relationship Conflict: Conflict on the basis of interpersonal relationships
  3. Process Conflict: Conflict over how work gets performed

Individual Conflict Management Styles

  1. The Obliging Style of Conflict Management

It is based on high concern for others and low concern for self. The needs of others are focused in it while ignoring or satisfying personal needs. This works best when knowledge is limited, problems are unimportant, the person managing the conflict has no power and there is long term give & takes.

  1. The Avoiding Style

It is based on low concern for others & self concentrate on oppressing, setting aside, and ignoring the problems. This is suitable when parties need to cool off and conflict is too strong.

  1. The Integrative Style

It represents high concern for others & self and concentrate on openness, collaboration and exchange of information. This is used when commitment is required, when problems are complex, when long term solutions required and when dealing with strategic issues.

  1. The Dominating Style

It shows low concern for others& high concern for self and concentrates on progressing the personal objectives at any cost. This is used when problems are little, time is short, issue is significant to party to the party resolving the conflict and all solutions are unpopular.

  1. The Compromising Style

It represents moderate concern for others & self and concentrates on accomplishing a meaningful middle ground where are parties gain. This is used when all parties have equal power, goals are clearly incompatible and a quick solution is required.

Managers Ways to Manage Conflict

Conflict can be managed by managers by either stimulating low levels of conflict or reducing or preventing low levels of conflict. Attitudinal approach or behavioral approach can be applied by managers in order to do so.

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Behavior causing the conflict is target by the behavioral approach while roots of conflict are target by attitudinal approach including people’s beliefs, emotions and behaviors.

Behavioral methods include separating the parties, enforcing rules, having a common enemy or outside competition, clarifying tasks and increasing resources and rewarding cooperation.

Attitudinal methods include rotating members, having a common enemy, team building, increasing resources and organizational development (OD). In order to stimulate change managers can increase task ambiguity, introduce change or create interdependency.