How to Prepare Effective Business Messages

How to Prepare Effective Business Messages

Communication process in business organization, especially business messaging has utmost importance in the success of business organization.

It is a like a blood running in our body for business organizations. Therefor it is important to plan, organize and edit the business messages properly. So here the question is what is business message and how to prepare it effectively.

What is Business Message

Sending and receiving information within the organization or business to business through different modes of communication, like, phone, emails or any other chancel known as business messaging.

See Also: Full Block Form of Letter

Probably business organization uses a specific form or letterhead for this communication. This may result in favor of business as well goes against them.

So, these business messages need to be properly planned, organized and with good wording & style. Excellent results can be achieved through proper and effective business messaging.

How to Prepare Effective Business Messages

To prepare effective business messages the writer should consider the following:

  1. Steps in Planning Effective Business Messages
  2. Choice of Basic Organizational Plans Beginnings and Endings of Messages
  3. Composition of the Messages

Steps In Planning Effective Business Messages

To communicate effectively and with confidence, the following five steps & before the final drafting or the message:

  • Identifying the purpose of the message
  • Visualizing and analyzing the audience
  • Choosing the ideas to be included
  • Collecting facts and data to support the ideas
  • Outlining and organizing the message
  1. Identifying the Purpose of the Message

The first step in planning a communication is to have a clear idea of its purpose. No business message is sent without an objective or objectives.

The most important thing is that the sender is well aware and conscious of the purpose of sending the message.

If the purpose is not clear in the mind of the sender, the communication will fail to achieve its desired end.

The sender may write a letter to collect some information or he may want to refuse or respond to a request.

The purpose may be to collect an overdue account or to invite the attention of prospective buyers to some product.

Whatever it may be, the sender of the message should first determine the specific purpose of each message.

Along with the specific purpose of each message, there is always present the general purpose of creating goodwill of the firm. This general purpose should also remain in the mind of the sender.

  1. Visualizing and Analyzing the Audience

Visualizing and analyzing the audience means seeing the message from the receiver’s point of view: their needs, interests, desire, likings, disliking and even their cultural environment.

The writer should know who the recipient of his message is. The recipient may be an individual or a group of members. He may be a worker or an educated person.

The sender should also take a view of the gender of the recipient of his message.

Keeping all these things in mind the writer should adopt the message to match the mental filter of the audience.

This is not very difficult if the sender is already acquainted with the communication, but it poses a problem when he has never met, he communicates at all.

In such circumstances, the writer of the message should understand the viewpoints of the reader by having an analytical approach towards his profession, status, nature of a business, age group, educational level and cultural background.

  1. Choosing the Ideas to be Included

Having a good idea about the receiver’s mind and the purpose of communication, the next step is to choose ideas for the message.

It is a sort of shifting work to know which ideas are important and which not.

The ideas which the writer includes in the message will depend upon the type of message he is sending, its requirements, situation, and background.

Nonetheless, it is important that the writer keeps in mind if he is initiating a transaction or if he is responding to a query.

To write an unsolicited message, the writer should begin listing ideas as they come into his mind; remaining watchful that the ideas match the message he intends to send.

Similarly, to write a reply letter, the writer must underline the main points to be replied and discussed.

He may even note down the ideas briefly and afterward include them in the final draft of the message.

  1. Collecting Facts and Data to Support the Idea

Sometimes business messages fail to bring the desired results. This happens when ideas expressed in the message are not aptly and sufficiently supported by facts and figures.

The writer, after deciding what ideas he should include in the message, must check if he needs specific data to make his viewpoint fully understandable for the reader.

He should, however, be careful that in doing so he does not deviate from the policies and procedures of the company he represents.

If required, the writer may enclose a brochure, table, picture or product sample for ready reference.

  1. Outlining and Organizing the Message

Finally, it is always advisable to organize and outline the material before writing the final draft.

Inconsistency in writing reflects a disorganized and illogical mind. Consequently, it fails to cause a convincing impact on the reader.

A good message must present a clear, unbroken sequence of ideas — a kind of logical ladder, rung after rung.

Outlining the message before making it final for dispatch will save it from getting rambling, confusing and unclear, and thus bring to the writer the desired response.

See Also: Different Forms & Format of a Business Letter

Choice of Basic Organizational Plans

The second phase in the creating of effective business messages is to keep in mind the basic organizational plans.

So, at the beginning and at the closing part of business message, you need to keep them in mind and highlight them properly.

At the end of the day the basic aim of effective business messaging is to achieve those plans, goals and objectives.

Composition of the Messages

Composition of the messages are actually more basics steps and thing to keep in mind. Message composition have the following the basic things.

  1. Who you are
  2. Whom you are sending message
  3. Subject Line of the message
  4. Body of the message
  5. Purpose of the message

Once you will be sure about all the basic things, you will be able to create an effective business message, which will allow you to achieve your business goals.