What is the Importance of Communication Skills

What is the Importance of Communication Skills

We know that Communication is essential to achieve the need for coordination of efforts in order to achieve the objectives pursued by an organization.

Individual human development is not possible if we remain mentally, socially or physically isolated.

Let’s take as an example any man of whom we have memory and who has excelled as a leader, scientist, entrepreneur, etc.

If we analyze the number of things that were communicated to the world and that were communicated to them, we could realize that the essence of their personal development was precisely in this activity of exterior projection.

The communication of many of these men is alive throughout the centuries through the importance of communication skills.

See Also: What are the Levels of Communication

It is possible to transmit the experiences from one generation to another so that they can be assimilated and continued.

Without this possibility (communication skills), the advance would not have been possible in any sense.

What is the Importance of Communication Skills

It has been seen that in large cities, most people spend approximately 70% of the time they are awake in some form of communication, whether reading, listening, speaking or writing.

One of the concepts of effective communication we have that it is a continuous and dynamic process formed by a series of varied events and continuously in interaction.

The essence of effective communication is the comprehensive response to this series of variables.

The communication is not a transfer of information from one individual to another, clearly highlighting it.

That the different meanings of human messages cannot be transmitted as such from one individual to another, but that these must be clarified and negotiated by both since they can be influenced by numerous variables.

Communication with Human Relations

Only through interactive communication can there be Human Relationships that ensure a clear understanding between parents and children, teachers and students, brothers among themselves, friends, classmates, work colleagues, etc.

See Also: What is Communication

That is to say, in all types of activities carried out by man, communication is necessary and with it the interaction, since the human being cannot live isolated because he is by nature a gregarious being.

“Human Relationships are the communications between human beings in search of their acceptance, understanding and understanding” according to Escobar P. (1.994).

On the basis of this communication, social interaction is established and wishes, feelings, ideas, information and opinions are transmitted.

  • Human Relationships are considered as: The actions established by human beings in coexistence with their peers. Hence, at the same time that contact is established with another human being.
  • It is the set of principles that govern the relationships between individuals.
  • It is the set of” Golden Rules “, which solve all human problems case “
  • Are the rules that regulate the intervention, people and groups.
  • It is the set of rules for the achievement of good relations, worker, employers or they are confused the administration of personnel.

“Human Relations is a great value for our society in general since it is the study of Human Nature”

Human Relations in the School Environment

It is a phenomenon more than it seems. It is the integration of activities of a work/school situation so that the students and the employee are motivated in a productive way so that they cooperate with psychological, social and pedagogical satisfactions (in the case of the student).

It is necessary to remember that each person is different and that these differences are the product of diverse cultures and family environments, that each person has different personalities, abilities, tastes, attitudes when living with another.

These factors include age, sex, physical appearance, education, religion, politics, etc.

Human Relations at Work

Among the most important factors that influence this situation, the following can be mentioned:

  • Personality of the individual.
  • Individual differences: age, sex, schooling, etc.
  • Labor background.
  • Family factors.
  • Previous experiences.
  • Type of work performed and supervision received.
  • Characteristics of the work team.
  • Policies of the company and physical working conditions.
  • The benefits that are obtained with satisfactory human relationships are multiple, but among the most important we can mention the following:
  • Greater efficiency at work.
  • Time-saving.
  • Greater satisfaction and motivation of the staff.
  • Better staff integration.
  • Better work environment.
  • Greater coordination and cooperation among team members.
  • Greater degree of personal development, both of the Chief and his collaborators.
  • Reduction of human problems.
  • Greater commitment for quality and productivity.

We are looking for, then, to have good relationships at work, basically to:

  • The efficient achievement of institutional or business objectives.
  • The integration and development of individuals.

Undoubtedly, good human relations have an end in themselves, but this does not mean that they do not, in turn, produce certain effects and results.

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It is necessary to remember that every Chief has personal relationships with: Collaborators, Supervisors, Heads of the same level and Persons outside the company (suppliers, customers, technicians, etc.)

Every chief to achieve productive human relations must adopt a positive attitude and honest communication, encourage the participation and create a confidential environment.

Making a brief synthesis of relationships can be manifested that are the relationships between people of different sex, age, with differences that often live together in the same house.

In the same place of work, or share a social activity. Therefore, the bases of human behavior (organic, psychic and social) determine the communication process.

Factors Influence Communication

The perception of the image you made the world and the other is an essential element in communication.

To perceive it is necessary to feel, interpret and understand the world in which one lives. The perception is, therefore, a personal and internal gesture.

All the data an individual possesses about the world must pass through their senses. However, seeing is not always believing.

The values, the beliefs. Values are closely related to esteem. Many people do not value more than what matters to them.

The values greatly influence the communication process because the same as the perceptions are different for each one.

The systems of values differ among people for several reasons: age, the transition from childhood to adolescence, the world of work, studies, marital status, parental relationships are factors that modify or guide of the different way the experience of personal values.

Beliefs can, globally, take three forms:

  1. Rational, that is, those based on known evidence.
  2. Blind, that is, those that one acquires in the absence of all evidence.
  3. Irrational, that is to say, those that one conserves in spite of the contrary evidences.

The social and cultural aspects. Each society and each culture provide its members with their own explanation of the structures and the meaning that it gives to things.

This information gives birth to preconceived ideas and generalities regarding the way others see each other.

These preconceived ideas, learned at a very young age, are so subtle that they are often even unknown.

However, they limit, in an important way, the style of communication and interaction of one person with others.

Therefore, if these social and cultural generalizations and stereotypes interfere in our relationships, they can also modify them.

Therefore, communication is closely related to social and cultural aspects. Culture teaches individuals how to communicate through language, gestures, dresses, meals, how to use space, etc …

See Also: Basic Elements of Communication Process

The family aspects to understand the world, we can study the family: critical situations such as self-esteem, power, intimacy, autonomy, confidence, and ability to communicate … are vital parts that underpin our way of living the world.

Therefore, to change our relationship with the world, we have to change the family. Virginia Satir tells us: “family life is like an ice floe: most perceive only a tenth of what happens, the tenth is what can be seen and heard.”

Some suspect that something else happens, but they do not know what it is and they have no idea how they can find out. “

The state of mind of each person. We all see how our state of mind conditions us in our relationships. Our fatigue, our worries, anxieties, fears, depressions, etc.